The Hotel Association of Turkey TÜROB is the dynamic, embracing and prominent NGO in Turkey's tourism sector, which has been a member of qualified hotels and Tourism companies since the first day it was founded in 1971.
 Purposes of TUROB:
 • To make scientific and practical studies on the subjects, problems and solutions related to tourism and to contribute to these studies,
  • Providing appropriate development of tourism and tourism facilities to meet the needs and changing trends,
  • To coordinate with the offices, institutions, establishments and persons related with tourism and its members,
  • To represent its members within and outside the sector,
  • To monitor national and international developments and work on necessary measures, planning and projects.
Cooperation and memberships
TUROB is the Executive Board Member of;
  • TUGEV (Tourism Development and Education Foundation)
  • ICVB (Istanbul Convention and Visitors Office)
  • TURCEV (Turkish Environmental Education Foundation)
and conducts joint projects and works with all public institutions and private sector, especially non-governmental organizations operating in the tourism sector.
 On the international scene, TUROB is a member of the European Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés Association (HOTREC).
Areas of activity
TUROB provides continuous and up-to-date information flow on various fields including education, investment, promotion and marketing, development of sector standards, auditing, innovation, information / data / analysis / reporting, sustainability, legal and financial consultancy; and conducts domestic and international lobbying in order to protect the interests of sector.
Investment and business consulting
  • Provides sectoral consultancy services to the members in the course of tourism facility investments and prepares periodical feasibility reports. In accordance with these reports, it identifies the needs of the public and private sectors and provides information flow.
  • Monitors international trends for the development of the service quality and efficiency of its members, undertakes initiatives to apply appropriate examples to Turkey, and conducts studies to raise awareness of its members.
  • Examines the structural and managerial problems of the enterprises, communicates the conclusions to the relevant authorities and follows those in order to conclude in favor of the sector.
Legal and financial counseling
  • Provides information on legal and financial matters to its member firms through Legal and Financial Advisors, reports proposals when necessary, and organizes meetings and seminars in line with current developments.
 Sectoral representation
  • Prepares applicable reports about the arrangements related to the tourism industry and shares them with the decision makers, submits proposals on behalf of the sector, and conducts lobbying activities in order to make the most accurate arrangements in favor of its members.
  • Participates in the activities carried out by the public authorities on behalf of the sector and contributes to the formulation of the sectoral action plan.
  • It serves as the sector representative in the facilities and classification audits conducted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 
Communication and cooperation
  • Provides quick and accurate information exchange between members and sector stakeholders, public organizations and other sectors, executes coordination and cooperation relations,
  • Represents the sector, develops projects and collaborations for the sector, creates an interactive platform with the participation of its members.
  • Provides regular information flow, sharing all legislations and regulations, current data, projects and activities, events and organizations related to the sector with the members instantly through TUROB 's corporate communication channels. 
Foreign relations
  • Communicates and cooperates with international counterparts and sectoral organizations, identifies common problems and contributes for their solutions.
  • Carries sectoral agendas and problems to international platforms, examines good examples and conducts work for adaptation to Turkey.
  • Contributes by providing data and opinion support to international studies for the development of the sector.
Promotion and marketing
  • Pioneers the tourism promotion, marketing and sales development studies of Turkey, conducts necessary studies and develops an effective marketing target.
  • Compiles international tourism data, evaluates the market position and development of Turkey, conducts resource market analyzes and informs members about short and long term marketing strategies.
  • Communicates opinions and suggestions with relevant authorities on tourism communication and management.
  • Represents Turkey in international tourism fairs and workshops / roadshow events organized by sector cooperation.
  • Organize promotional and marketing activities by inviting important tourism professionals and press members to Turkey.
Human resources and training
  • Organize activities such as seminars, conferences, panels, etc. in cooperation with the experts in order to increase the professional equipment of tourism professionals and adapt them to the latest developments,
  • Attempts to ensure that the curriculum and activities of professional education institutions are in line with sector dynamics and makes sector professionals aware of this issue,
  • Provides continuity of the relationship between education and training institutions and sector,
  • Communicates with the authorities its opinions and proposals related to the law, legislations and regulations related to the sector, contributes to the necessary arrangements,
  • Investigates the labor force in the sector in terms of productivity and sustainability and undertakes initiatives to take necessary measures.
Social Responsibility
  • Cooperates with relevant business partners and organizations in fields such as energy, education, humanitarian aid, employment with sustainable tourism and environment targets. Implements support projects.
How to become a member
Any company with Ministry of Culture and Tourism Investment / Operation Certificate can make a membership application for TUROB.
The application is evaluated and approved by the Board of Directors of TUROB in accordance with the bylaws.
Please get in touch for more information
Phone: +90 212 296 08 80
Fax : +90 212 343 84 36
For a general introduction to TUROB