Otelcilik Sektörü, 'paylaşım' ekonomisinin etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi için çağrıda bulundu...

Otelcilik Sektörü, 'paylaşım' ekonomisinin etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi ve şahıslara ait kısa süreli konaklama kiralıklarının kayıt altına alınması için çağrıda bulundu...

Berlin, Brüksel - 10 Mart 2016 - ITB Berlin kapsamında gerçekleşen, "OECD Turizm Trendleri ve Politikaları 2016 Çalıştayı"nda, Avrupa konaklama sektörü, "sürdürülebilir ve sorumlu paylaşım ekonomisi planı" çağrısını tekrarladı.

"Paylaşım ekonomisi için hangi politikalar izlenmeli?" adlı panelde, HOTREC, sadece yasal servis ve ürünlerin internet üzerinden tüketicilere sunulması gerektiği düşüncesiyle, paylaşım ekonomisi platformları aracılığıyla sağlanan ekonomik aktivitelerin kayıt altına alınmasının önemini vurguladı.

HOTREC Paylaşım Ekonomisi Görev Grubu Başkanı Mr. Estalella, gerek otoriteler, gerekse tüketiciler için özel mülklerin kısa süreli kiralanması hizmetinin, kayıt altına alınmasının önemli bir adım olacağını, böylece bu aktivitelerin yasallığı ve ciddiyeti konusunda kamuda güçlü bir işaret sağlanacağını ve eğer kayıt numaraları paylaşım ekonomisi platformlarında gösterilirse, tedarikçilerdeki/sağlayıcılardaki güveni de arttıracağını belirtmiştir. Bununla beraber, bu yerlerin kayıt altına alınmasının, Otoritelerin de, mali yükümlülükler gibi mevcut yasalara aykırılık durumlarında, aksiyon alabilmesini kolaylaştıracağını sözlerine eklemiştir.


From: Hotrec [mailto:Hotrec@hotrec.eu]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:24 PM
To: Hotrec
Cc: Christian de Barrin; Daniel Makay
Subject: The hospitality industry calls for the assessment of the impacts of the ‘sharing’ economy and the registration of short-term private accommodation rental activity
Importance: High


The hospitality industry calls for the assessment of the impacts of the ‘sharing’ economy and the registration of short-term private accommodation rental activity

Berlin, Brussels – 10 March 2016 – Today, in the framework of the OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2016 Workshop at the Travel Trade Show of ITB in Berlin, the European hospitality industry recapped its Chart for a sustainable and responsible ‘sharing’ economy. It also reinforced the call of the European Parliament to the European Commission to assess the economic and social impact of the sharing economy and its implications for the tourism industry.

In the panel discussion ‘What policies for the tourism sharing economy?’, HOTREC emphasised the importance of registering the economic activities provided in the framework and via the platforms of the ‘sharing’ economy; considering that only legal services and products shall be available for consumers on the internet.

“HOTREC believes, that both for the authorities and the consumers, the registration of the activity of offering short-term private accommodation, would constitute a major step into the right direction” said Mr. Ramón Estalella, Chair of HOTREC’s ‘Sharing’ Economy Task Force. “It would provide a strong signal to the public on the legality and seriousness of the activity and increase trust in the providers, especially if the registration number is displayed on the sharing economy platforms’ sites. In addition, such registration would facilitate taking action for the authorities in case of non-compliance with existing rules, such as fiscal obligations,” added Mr. Estalella.

On the impacts of the sharing economy, some regional examples already exist. A recent study conducted by Grant Thornton SA in Greece emphasised the financial losses of the state suffered by the absence of possibilities to tax income from sharing economy activities, amounting to around 270 million Euros. At the same time, the total tax contribution of the hospitality sector in Europe amounted to over 125 billion Euros across Europe. With regard to public security, the study, similarly to HOTREC’s assessments, also expressed concerns arising from the absence of the obligation of keeping data of visitors, as requested by the Schengen requirements from tourist accommodation establishments.

“As requested in October 2015 by the European Parliament’s report on the promotion of tourism, the European Commission shall assess the economic and social impact of the “sharing” economy and its implications for the tourism economy across Europe” reiterated the European Parliament’s calls Christian de Barrin, CEO of HOTREC. “The European Commission should also provide clear guidelines on the application of existing laws to the actors of the “sharing” economy as soon as possible” concluded Mr. de Barrin

What is HOTREC?
HOTREC represents the hotel, restaurant and café industry at European level. This industry includes around 1,8 million businesses, of which 99% are small and medium sized enterprises (91% of them micro enterprises, i.e. employing fewer than 10 people). These businesses make up some 59% of industry value added. The hospitality industry provides some 10.2 million jobs in the EU alone. Together with the other tourism industries, the sector is one of the largest industries in Europe. HOTREC brings together 43 national associations representing the sector in 29 different European countries.

For further information: www.hotrec.eu
PRESS CONTACT: Daniel Makay +32(0)2 504 78 42, daniel.makay@hotrec.eu