UNWTO - 2013 İlk 9 ay Dünya Turizm barometresi

En son UNWTO Dünya Turizm Barometresine göre, 2013'ün ilk 9 ayında, uluslar arası turizm %5 arttı. Destinasyonlar tarafından bildirildiği üzere, Ocak ve Eylül ayları arasında, uluslar arası turist girişleri 41 milyon civarında artarak, dünya genelinde 845 milyona ulaştı ve UNWTO'nun öngörülerinin üzerine çıktı.

En büyük 25 turizm ülkesi arasında, 10 ülke kazançların çift haneli gelişme kaydetti.


Tayland (+28%)

Japonya (+23%)

İngiltere (+18%)

Yunanistan (+15%)

Türkiye (+13%)

Hindistan (+13%)


ABD (+11%)

Çin (+10%)


Press Release

Madrid, Spain, 12 December 2013

PR No. 13081

International tourism an engine for the economic recovery

In the first nine months of 2013, international tourism grew by 5% according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. The number of international tourist arrivals reported by destinations around the world increased by some 41 million between January and September, growing above UNWTO’s initial forecast and creating an important stimulus to the receiving economies.

International tourist arrivals grew by 5% in the first nine months of the year, to reach a record 845 million worldwide, an estimated 41 million more than in the same period of 2012. Growth was driven by Europe and Asia and the Pacific, both seeing tourist numbers increase by 6%.

“International tourism continues to grow above expectations, supporting economic growth in both advanced and emerging economies and bringing much needed support to job creation, GDP and the balance of payments of many destinations” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. “It is particularly encouraging to see the strong results in many European destinations, where the tourism sector is, undoubtedly, one of the engines of the economic recovery”.

Europe beats expectations

In Europe, the world’s most visited region, international tourist arrivals grew by 6% led by above-average results in Central and Eastern Europe (+7%) and Southern and Mediterranean Europe (+6%). This growth exceeds the initial forecast for 2013 and is double the average growth rate of international tourism in Europe since 2000 (+2.7% a year between 2000 and 2012).

Asia and the Pacific (+6%) continued to show robust results, bolstered by South-East Asia (+12%).

The Americas (+3%) reported comparatively weaker results, with better performance in North America (+4%) and Central America and (+3%).

In Africa (+5%) growth was fuelled by the recovery in North Africa (+6%), while the Middle East saw only a marginal increase (+0.3%).

Growth in tourism receipts confirms positive trend

The positive trend registered in international tourist arrivals is reflected in international tourism receipts reported by destinations worldwide for the first six to ten months of the year.

Among the 25 largest international tourism earners, receipts saw double-digit growth in ten destinations - the United States (+11%), Macao (China) (+10%), the United Kingdom (+18%), Thailand (+28%), Hong Kong (China) (+21%), Turkey (+13%), India (+13%), Japan (+23%), Greece (+15%) and Taiwan (Pr. of China) (+12%).

Exponential growth in outbound expenditure by China and Russia

Among the top ten source markets, the Russian Federation led growth, with expenditure on trips abroad up by 29% in the first nine months of the year. This follows the strong growth in recent years, as a result of which Russia has moved up from the 12th largest outbound market in 2000 to the 5th largest in 2012 (US$ 43 billion).

China, which became the number one source market in the world last year (US$ 102 billion), also continued to see rapid growth, posting a 22% increase in expenditure on outbound tourism through September 2013.

Outbound expenditure from other BRIC economies was also strong in Brazil (+15%). The performance of advanced economy source markets was comparatively weaker: Canada (+3%), the United States (+2%), the United Kingdom (+2%) and France (+2%) grew moderately, while Germany reported zero growth and Japan, Australia and Italy saw declines in expenditure.

Note: UNWTO will announce full 2013 results during its traditional press conference to be held on 20 January 2014, the eve of the Spanish tourism fair FITUR.


Useful links:

Infographic: International Tourist Arrivals January - September 2013

UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2013 Edition


UNWTO Senior Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100 / Fax: +34 91-567-8218


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